Solera Garage Sale
Solera’s Garage Sale will take place tomorrow, Saturday September 14th from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Registration for selling has closed but shopping is open to all! There is a list of participating addresses on the Solera website.
Board Meeting Next Week
The September Board Meeting will be held next week, Wednesday, September 18th at 2:00 pm in the Clubhouse Oakmont rooms. The meeting agenda will be posted on the Solera website and clubhouse bulletin boards. Please contact management with any questions.
Gate Access Procedures
New signs were installed this week on the resident only vehicle gates which contain clear instructions on how to access the Main Gate on Fairway Dr. Please keep in mind that all non-resident and invited guests must enter through the Main Gate, show proper ID, and obtain a guest pass (for a maximum of 14 days).
Parking Rules
As a reminder the parking of RVs is prohibited overnight in the community, both on street or in the parking lot. Parking is only permitted in the Oakmont clubhouse overflow lot by obtaining a valid permit beforehand (for a maximum of 72 hours). Thank you for your cooperation!
Design Review Committee Submissions & Courtesy Reminders
The Association’s CC&Rs explain the maintenance obligations of all homeowners as well as the design review process to obtain approval for exterior improvements. As a reminder, regular inspections of the community are conducted by management staff to ensure homes are maintained properly. If you do receive a courtesy reminder regarding your property, please feel free to contact staff via email, phone or in person during office hours with any questions. If the correspondence is requesting that you submit a Home Improvement Application, once approved you do have one year from the approval date to complete the work. We truly appreciate the cooperation and responsiveness of